Mindfulness Coaching– In this practice we work to define your goals for healing,  understand the current state of your brain & body and then take steps towards creating a deeper healthy relationship with yourself and the world around you.  After the initial intake appointment, brainspotting is the main tool used for these sessions, intertwined with coaching on mindset and mindfulness.

What is Brainspotting? Brainspotting therapy is also known as Focused Mindfulness.  Within the practice of Focused Mindfulness you learn to pause the “rational thinking-prefrontal cortex” and focus into the subcortical portion of your brain which acts as an information base for your nervous system.  Your nervous system makes many background decisions for you by accessing memories, emotions, and pain/pleasure senses.  With brainspotting we determine the area of your life you would like to seek transformation within and then notice feelings in your body in relationship to your visual field.  The spot in your visual field is often found by outward unconscious body movements that are often unnoticed by clients in the beginning.  After practicing Focused Mindfulness clients often can tell where the spot is just by the feeling of the state you enter when in a brainspot.

What are the benefits of Brainspotting? coming soon

Brainspotting Explained